martes, 29 de mayo de 2018


The objective of the questionnaire was to find out whether the Emotion Project was successful among the participants; especially we focused on the students and their parents. It means we wanted to know how they would evaluate the aims and the whole idea of the project.
The questionnaire was given to 21 students and their parents. The first part of the questionnaire was assigned to the students. It contained five questions.
1. How would you evaluate the Emotion Project?
2. What found you the most interesting in the Emotion Project?
3. What impact did the Emotion Project have on the emotional intelligence (EQ)?
4. Would you join another project with the similar content than Emotion Project?
5. If you answered yes in the question 4, why would you join it?  You can mark more than one point.
After the completing it, we found out that the students from Slovakia would like to be a part of another project like the Emotions Project, moreover, all of them (100% 21) evaluated the project as excellent. They would join the similar project for several reasons. Almost 50% (10 from 21 students) marked the answers respect the others, understanding of themselves and travelling. For some of them emotion rules were on the top list (3), the others would like to join the project for other reasons like foreign language (4), solving conflicts in non-violent way (1), fun and new friends (2). The answer other was not marked.
Some of the students found interesting the aim of the project (7), the possibilities to get to know new people, countries, and cultures preferred 7 students, communication in foreign language was the most interesting for 4 students, 3 students were mostly interested in emotional education. The question number 3 was completed differently. Most of the students agreed that they realized the importance of not only to understand their own behaviour, feelings and emotions but also emotions of their friends, family etc. 14 from 21 students noted the importance of empathy in the friendship (relationship in general). All of them agreed to be influenced by the Emotion Project in a development of the emotional intelligence. They realized many things, e. g. the need of communication, active listening to avoid conflict etc.
            The second part of the questionnaire was completed by the parents. The most of them evaluated the Emotion Project as very good (4) and excellent (17). The other answers were not chosen by anyone. 9 parents found the most interesting thing about the project the aim of the project, the others preferred communication in foreign language (7), the possibility to get to know new people, countries and cultures (3), emotional education (2). 100% parents would let their children to be a part of the similar project again, they were satisfied, moreover, they all had a good experience with the foreign student (100% - 21), the answer excellent has been chosen in the last question. They had different opinions about what was interesting from the project for them as parents. They appreciated the joy of their children (5), possibility of emotional education (5), communication in foreign language (7), and travelling (4). The answer change of his/her behaviour has not been chosen by anyone.
After the questionnaire, we can assume that the Emotion Project was successful among the students and also their parents in ZŠ Márie Medveckej. We claim that the aims of the project were accomplished. The Emotion Project team is satisfied with the results.

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