domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

A SUMMARY WITH PHOTOS of the activities programmed and carried out during transnational meeting in Slovakia (Tvrdošín, 2nd – 6th of October 2017)

A SUMMARY WITH PHOTOS of the activities programmed and carried out during transnational meeting in Slovakia
(Tvrdošín, 2nd – 6th of October 2017)

Through the project Emotions – Erasmus Plus, the project partners from Spain, Italy and Poland have been welcomed in our school – ZŠ Márie Medveckej – on the first October week. It is the second transnational visit whose aim was to share activities related to the necessary social abilities to express emotions in a way to avoid conflict. Besides the activities the partners had a possibility to get to know the beauties of our country, too and we must say that they were satisfied, moreover, they liked it here.
            Not only the members of Erasmus team were preparing the programme but also the other teachers from the school, parents, and students from the various classes. They were involved into the preparation of the transnational exchange in Slovakia, too. We would like to thank them.


On Monday, Erasmus team prepared for the guests a very short performance in a way of individual singing, group singing, playing the Heligonka (Czech and Slovak musical instrument similar to the Melodeon or Alpine Steirische Harmonika), accordion, flute, violin and the presentation which aim was to bring them closer to our region.
            The pupils who attended an international visit in Italy in June were also keen to make the program more enjoyable, as they prepared two videos for the current participants about how they were in the country of exchange. 

After the cheerful welcome and performance, the partners went sightseeing into our town visiting the Gallery of Mária Medvecká who was well known artist and painter not only in Tvrdošín, moreover, our school is also named after her. Then they went to the Art Schürger Gallery where various art works of the artists from Slovakia are displayed. From there, they moved to the wooden gothic church – Church of All Saints. Its origins date back to the second half of the 15th century and it was rebuilt in Renaissance style in the 17th century. The Baroque altar from the end of the 17th century with the painting of All Saints dominates the interior of the church.

The coordinators of the project did not attend the sightseeing tour because the meeting was held.

After the arrival of the students into the school, the project activities followed. The aim of them was to share activities related to the necessary social abilities to express emotions in a way to avoid conflict. Activities were attended by pupils of all partner schools in each group in a different order. They were carried out in the morning. For individual activities, the students were divided into groups. The groups were composed of different nationalities.

Activities for the students

1.      Introducing people and oneself
Aim: icebreakers, getting to know each other and finding out students´ likes
Tools/Materials: nothing, only chairs arranged in a circle
Procedure – a description of game:
The students sit on the chairs. The volunteer (or the student chosen by the teacher) says – My name is … and I like … – e.g. food, sport, or hobby. After that he/she makes a specific movement related to his/her hobby. Follows the student who is on the right and say – Your name is … and you like … – repeating the movement – My name is … and I like + movement. The children continue like this in the circle until everyone changes off.

1.      Chairs – kinetic activity
Aim: to evoke the atmosphere (meaning relax), to help to defuse tension and to relax through the activity; the game is focused on getting to know each other better; moreover, its kinetic character is counterbalance to the one-sided, mainly sedentary activities
Tools/Materials: nothing, only chairs arranged in a circle
Procedure – a description of game: There are some chairs in a circle. The participants sit in the circle on them, a chair is given away by the teacher. The student stands in the middle of the circle and says: Change places if you like (e.g. reading books). All students who like reading books must stand up, and move to another chair. The person left without a seat stays in the middle and gives the next command, and so it goes on. This activity had a big success mainly among the students from Spain.

1.      Label making – memory activity
Aim: to reinforce knowing each other, memory, and courage through the activity
Tools/Materials: paper in a shape of label, pen, box, chairs arranged in a circle
Procedure – a description of game: Each participant writes his/her name and symbol that likes on the piece of paper. The labels are put in a box which is situated in the middle of the circle, and then the student sits on the chair. After that, the teacher calls out one student to choose a label and give it to its owner.

1.      Our image

Aim: to reinforce respecting other´s opinion, to be able to adapt oneself, to develop creative thinking through the activity
Tools/Materials: colourful dice and paper (A3 format), newspaper, glue, 2 tables, chairs
Procedure – a description of game: The students are divided into several groups according to the colours of chosen dice. Each group has their own place (joined tables) in where the colourful paper, newspaper and glue are. The children´s task is to – without using any words, neither showing nor helping to each other – create a picture made of torn pieces of newspaper and to stick it on the paper (A3 format). Then the student has to pass the newspaper to the other one on the right, and so it goes until they create an image/picture or the time is up. After the time limit, the students sit in a circle. The students talk about their creation, work and so on.

1.      Evaluation
Aim: to reinforce the evaluation of the others through the activity
Tools/Materials: their labels, emoticons – happy, satisfied, unhappy/sad Procedure – a description of game: The students take their label and stick it on the emoticon according to how they were feeling during the activities.

The coordinators of the project did not attend the activities because the meeting was held.

In the afternoon the partner teams and coordinators from Slovakia visited Orava castle in Oravský Podzámok and Edy´s Ranch in where the students had an opportunity to visit an animal farm, play some games (table tennis, billiard, darts …) and ride horses. 

After the arrival of the students into the school, the project activities followed:
1.      Helping each other
Aim: to form student´s relationship to health protection, to learn knowledge and skills in self-protection and in helping others, to provide necessary theoretical and practical knowledge
Tools/Materials: nothing

Procedure – a description of activity: During the activities the students with the help of experts were learning how to communicate without mistakes, to help others in need, to look after the others and also themselves in case of injuries, e.g. broken leg, transport of injured people, help after the fall and so on.

The coordinators of the project did not attend the activities because the meeting was held.

In the afternoon the emotion group went hiking – Roháče mountains situated in West Tatras. 

After the arrival of the student into the school, the social activities followed in gym (sports like football, volleyball).

The coordinators of the project did not attend the activities because the meeting was held.

The visit of aquapark in Liptovský Mikuláš

Certificate giving ceremony

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