domingo, 22 de enero de 2017


Juan Pérez Villaamil Primary School (Spain)

According to the planned activities in the project E-MOTIONS within the Erasmus + Programme, the teachers of Juan Pérez Villaamil Primary School, Spain will take part in the workshops with an expert, Paloma Hornos, on 16th and 23rd January, 2017.

The first of the two sessions was a coaching session about the emotions of the group of teachers. In the first activity, teachers brought photos of when they were children and on  a piece of paper they described themselves as they were at that stage of life and what they wanted to be when they grew up. Then they made a ball with the paper and threw it into the open space of the gym. Each teacher grabbed a random paper ball and read the description and had to look for the person described on it. Once they found who the paper belonged to, the photograph that matched the description was shown to the person who found the description.

In the second activity we were divided into pairs. One had to put on a blindfold and the other had to guide that person with just one hand softly touching their back around the gym without saying a word and avoiding bumping into other teachers. The focus of this activity was trust.

Once again we were divided into pairs, this time in two rows, one in front of each other. One row had blindfolds over their eyes while the row did not. The teachers without the blindfold were asked to stare at their blindfolded partner for a while and then quietly walk up to their blindfolded partner and say all the positive things they could think of about that person. We worked on how we feel when we are observed and how we react when someone says positive things about us.

In the last activity we each drew a picture of our dream. Then in couples we showed our partner our drawing without saying a word just looking into each other's eyes. Then one got up to look for several objects that we believed could help the other person fulfill their dream. Finally, each one described the drawing of our partner and the objects we had given them to help them achieve their dream. This activity helped us to know each other better and to know the dreams and feelings of our partners which helps to improve the relationships of the members of a group.

All these activities can be easily carried out with our students and by doing so we give them a chance to know each other better and to work on interpersonal relationships.

Marisa Mier 

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